Daniel and the Four Beasts
This film is an expose of one of the greatest frauds in Biblical interpretation, that appears to be willful and very deliberate by a multitude of self-styled "prophetic experts" in American Christendom today. It is one of the most important films we have ever made, and one you need to watch in order to understand what is happening today.
DVD5 - $41.95
America in Transition
A two hour documentary that explores major prophecies against the USA and how she will go into a police state. She will emerge as a new form of Nazi Germany, only much more deadly, for she has the technology to destroy the entire world.
DVD10 - $41.95
The Testimony
This film explores the parameters of Scripture used to determine if a person is "born again" or "regenerated". It goes over what regeneration really is, and what it really means. What does the Scripture actually say about this most vital of subjects? Find out now with this documentary.
DVD18 - $41.95
The Prophecy
What would it be like to witness an old testament prophet as he levies a true and scriptural prophecy against America and the New World Order? Watch and you'll see. This is an in-your-face film, and may be too rough for many Christians who fail to understand the true nature of God and how severe His judgments really are.
DVD20- $41.95
Gateway Four
This film investigates how the involvement of US intelligence and military in the UFO question and how the UFO mystery may not be such an enigma after all - It may be the result of top secret technology that came from Nazi Germany - and then perfected over 50 years using the alien question as a deep cover operation. The US military may be running a gigantic scam on the public to bring in their new utopia: The New World Order.
DVD15 - $41.95
Beyond Price
This film probes the reason behind why man needs redemption, and how Jesus Christ, as our Kinsman-Redeemer, came to Earth and accomplished the greatest rescue in the history of the Universe.
DVD16 - $41.95
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